Seven Senators Exacerbate Problem, Could Be Part of Solution
We denounce the characterization of Guatemala in a letter dated March 14, 2023, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken by seven US senators. The letter supports illegal State Department (DOS) intervention in Guatemala, which we have described in earlier statements.
The key magistrates and prosecutors the senators mention fled Guatemala because they had committed multiple crimes as part of the DOS assault on our liberty. There is public evidence of their crimes and DOS participation in them, which DOS is desperate to hide.
The senators praise the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) and claim the Alejandro Giammattei government is erasing its legacy and “[weaponizing] Guatemala’s justice system against its political opponents.” DOS weaponized US power to gain control of Guatemala’s government and then weaponized that against DOS’s political opponents. Now DOS is attempting to regain control of Guatemala—lost in 2021—to hide DOS crimes.
We published a report, “CICIG and the Rule of Law,” that is part of the record of the April 27, 2018, Helsinki Commission hearing: The Long Arm of Injustice. CICIG failed to comply with its mandate and was involved with many crimes, including against defenseless indigenous people.
The senators claim Iván Velásquez and José Rubén Zamora have been corruptly targeted. The claim is false, as we have demonstrated several times in both cases.
Public evidence shows Velásquez conspired with former officials, honored by DOS as anticorruption champions, to grant an illegal release to the infamous Odebrecht from Guatemala’s $384 million claim against it. Velásquez’s diplomatic immunity as CICIG commissioner does not include granting a civil release to a foreign company. This is personal and not official business.
The charges against Zamora were filed against his chief financial officer. She pleaded guilty, which constitutes evidence against Zamora. The case is unrelated to journalism.
The senators say “President Biden has committed to prioritizing protecting democracy and strengthening the rule of law both at home and abroad.” Biden led DOS weaponization of our government in 2015— apparently a rehearsal for what he is doing in the United States now.
Either these Senators are part of the weaponization against our country or they have allowed themselves to be DOS pawns. A duty of the US Congress is oversight, and senators should not merely trust the executive branch. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), lead signatory of the letter and chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, should confirm his facts about DOS and Guatemala by convening hearings and investigations in his committee.
Regardless, we insist the US weaponization against us must cease.
Guatemala, 15 March 2023
@LigaProPatria (Twitter) Liga Propatria
Last Updated: 16 March, 2023 by LaVoz
US Weaponization against Guatemala Must Cease
Seven Senators Exacerbate Problem, Could Be Part of Solution
We denounce the characterization of Guatemala in a letter dated March 14, 2023, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken by seven US senators. The letter supports illegal State Department (DOS) intervention in Guatemala, which we have described in earlier statements.
The key magistrates and prosecutors the senators mention fled Guatemala because they had committed multiple crimes as part of the DOS assault on our liberty. There is public evidence of their crimes and DOS participation in them, which DOS is desperate to hide.
The senators praise the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) and claim the Alejandro Giammattei government is erasing its legacy and “[weaponizing] Guatemala’s justice system against its political opponents.” DOS weaponized US power to gain control of Guatemala’s government and then weaponized that against DOS’s political opponents. Now DOS is attempting to regain control of Guatemala—lost in 2021—to hide DOS crimes.
We published a report, “CICIG and the Rule of Law,” that is part of the record of the April 27, 2018, Helsinki Commission hearing: The Long Arm of Injustice. CICIG failed to comply with its mandate and was involved with many crimes, including against defenseless indigenous people.
The senators claim Iván Velásquez and José Rubén Zamora have been corruptly targeted. The claim is false, as we have demonstrated several times in both cases.
Public evidence shows Velásquez conspired with former officials, honored by DOS as anticorruption champions, to grant an illegal release to the infamous Odebrecht from Guatemala’s $384 million claim against it. Velásquez’s diplomatic immunity as CICIG commissioner does not include granting a civil release to a foreign company. This is personal and not official business.
The charges against Zamora were filed against his chief financial officer. She pleaded guilty, which constitutes evidence against Zamora. The case is unrelated to journalism.
The senators say “President Biden has committed to prioritizing protecting democracy and strengthening the rule of law both at home and abroad.” Biden led DOS weaponization of our government in 2015— apparently a rehearsal for what he is doing in the United States now.
Either these Senators are part of the weaponization against our country or they have allowed themselves to be DOS pawns. A duty of the US Congress is oversight, and senators should not merely trust the executive branch. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), lead signatory of the letter and chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, should confirm his facts about DOS and Guatemala by convening hearings and investigations in his committee.
Regardless, we insist the US weaponization against us must cease.
Guatemala, 15 March 2023
@LigaProPatria (Twitter) Liga Propatria
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