Nomination of Todd Robinson’s Right-Hand Man Is Ominous
The White House has announced it intends to name Tobin John Bradley to succeed current US Ambassador to Guatemala William Popp. Bradley’s post now is deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). His boss is Todd Robinson, 2014–2017 ambassador to Guatemala, who has been one of the leaders, if not the leader, in imposing criminals on our government and politicizing our justice system.
In 2016, Robinson and Joe Biden installed criminals who did their bidding and took over our justice system. Effectively the proconsul ruling Guatemala, Robinson jailed political opponents, including US citizens, without evidence and in violation of their fundamental rights. Some died in preventive detention. Despite these crimes, in 2021 the Senate confirmed Robinson to head INL.
The State Department has an entrenched culture of criminality. Instead of ceasing illegal State Department (DOS) impositions in our country, Trump appointee Popp (2020–) obeyed the illegal orders of the career criminals who run DOS. Recent congressional testimony shows that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a corrupt Biden henchman, ready to commit crimes for his political agenda. Robinson and Blinken are two peas in a pod.
Former prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval, appointed during Robinson’s rule as ambassador, was a key part of DOS’s criminal structure. Sandoval, now a DOS-protected fugitive in the United States, was fired in 2021. Blinken responded: “His dismissal undermines the rule of law.” Documentary evidence demonstrates Sandoval had obstructed a US Department of Homeland Security investigation into money laundering of a USAID grant, one of the reasons for his dismissal.
Blinken and Robinson are jointly culpable for crimes in Guatemala. Given Robinson’s effectively unchecked power in possibly the most dishonest and corrupt administration in US history means he
almost surely chose Popp’s successor Bradley to continue Robinson’s long quest to rule us.
After DOS lost control of our justice system in 2021, it used Engel List sanctions, in violation of US law, as a club to intimidate its targets. On December 8, 2022, Senator Mike Lee asked Blinken about Robinson’s role in the sanctions, since he is likely the protagonist.
The greatest obstacle to creating rule of law in Guatemala is DOS. Bradley’s confirmation hearing will be an opportunity for the US Senate to examine the executive branch’s criminality in Guatemala. Much public evidence exists, and we and other organizations have made this known.
DOS is desperate to retake power in Guatemala to continue its criminal agenda and hide its, and its partners’ crimes against our country. We are already seeing DOS intervention in the campaigns for our June 25 general elections, and this also compels US congressional scrutiny.
Guatemalan citizens are increasingly aware the United States is no longer a dependable ally and has become an enemy under the criminal Biden regime. The United States must emerge from its present darkness and return to the principles that made it a beacon of liberty for the world.
Guatemala, Monday April 24, 2023
@LigaProPatria Liga Propatria
Last Updated: 24 April, 2023 by LaVoz
Anti-Guatemala Agenda Marches On with US State Department’s Next Ambassador
Nomination of Todd Robinson’s Right-Hand Man Is Ominous
The White House has announced it intends to name Tobin John Bradley to succeed current US Ambassador to Guatemala William Popp. Bradley’s post now is deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). His boss is Todd Robinson, 2014–2017 ambassador to Guatemala, who has been one of the leaders, if not the leader, in imposing criminals on our government and politicizing our justice system.
In 2016, Robinson and Joe Biden installed criminals who did their bidding and took over our justice system. Effectively the proconsul ruling Guatemala, Robinson jailed political opponents, including US citizens, without evidence and in violation of their fundamental rights. Some died in preventive detention. Despite these crimes, in 2021 the Senate confirmed Robinson to head INL.
The State Department has an entrenched culture of criminality. Instead of ceasing illegal State Department (DOS) impositions in our country, Trump appointee Popp (2020–) obeyed the illegal orders of the career criminals who run DOS. Recent congressional testimony shows that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a corrupt Biden henchman, ready to commit crimes for his political agenda. Robinson and Blinken are two peas in a pod.
Former prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval, appointed during Robinson’s rule as ambassador, was a key part of DOS’s criminal structure. Sandoval, now a DOS-protected fugitive in the United States, was fired in 2021. Blinken responded: “His dismissal undermines the rule of law.” Documentary evidence demonstrates Sandoval had obstructed a US Department of Homeland Security investigation into money laundering of a USAID grant, one of the reasons for his dismissal.
Blinken and Robinson are jointly culpable for crimes in Guatemala. Given Robinson’s effectively unchecked power in possibly the most dishonest and corrupt administration in US history means he
almost surely chose Popp’s successor Bradley to continue Robinson’s long quest to rule us.
After DOS lost control of our justice system in 2021, it used Engel List sanctions, in violation of US law, as a club to intimidate its targets. On December 8, 2022, Senator Mike Lee asked Blinken about Robinson’s role in the sanctions, since he is likely the protagonist.
The greatest obstacle to creating rule of law in Guatemala is DOS. Bradley’s confirmation hearing will be an opportunity for the US Senate to examine the executive branch’s criminality in Guatemala. Much public evidence exists, and we and other organizations have made this known.
DOS is desperate to retake power in Guatemala to continue its criminal agenda and hide its, and its partners’ crimes against our country. We are already seeing DOS intervention in the campaigns for our June 25 general elections, and this also compels US congressional scrutiny.
Guatemalan citizens are increasingly aware the United States is no longer a dependable ally and has become an enemy under the criminal Biden regime. The United States must emerge from its present darkness and return to the principles that made it a beacon of liberty for the world.
Guatemala, Monday April 24, 2023
@LigaProPatria Liga Propatria
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